Interest Rates

Effective from July 16, 2024
S.N. Saving Deposit Interest Rate (% p.a.)
1 Siddhartha  Sajilo Bachat Khata 3.00
2 Siddhartha Peacekeeping Savings 3.00
3 Siddhartha RF Saving 3.00
4 Siddhartha Gen-Z Saving 3.00
5 Siddhartha Jeevan Surakshya Bachat Khata 3.00
6 Siddhartha Platinum Saving 3.00
7 Siddhartha Super Salary 3.00
8 Siddhartha Mero Share Khata 3.00
9 Siddhartha Jestha Nagarik Bachat 3.00
10 Siddhartha Bachat Account 3.00
11 Siddhartha Nari Bachat 3.00
12 Branchless Banking Account 3.00
13 Siddhartha Bal Bachat Khata 3.00
14 Siddhartha Social Security Saving 3.00
15 Siddhartha Pay and Save Account (Parents) 3.00
16 Siddhartha Pay and Save Account (Child) 4.00
17 Siddhartha Remit Account 4.00
18 Siddhartha Platinum Plus Saving Account 5.00
19 Siddhartha Priority Saving Account 5.00
20 Siddhartha Professional Account 5.00
21 Siddhartha Horizon Platinum Account 5.00
22 SBL Premium Remit Saving Account 6.00
Call Deposit (NPR) up to 1.50
Loan Secured by :
Fixed Deposit   Coupon rate +1.25%  to 3% or Base Rate + up to 1.20% whichever is higher
Foreign Currency Deposits at SBL Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Government Bonds   Coupon rate +1.25% to 3% or Base Rate +up to 1.20% whichever is higher
Bank Guarantees issued by Foreign Banks Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Loan against Shares Base Rate + up to 3.25%
FCY Loan Denominated in USD   Benchmark interest plus mutually agreed premium
Consortium Loan (Fixed & floating interest rate)   As per consortium decision
Deprived Sector Lending:    
Indirect Lending (eligible to qualify under DSL) Base Rate  up to 2%
Direct Lending Base Rate  up to 3.5%
Others Base Rate  up to 3.5%
Loan upto Rs 2 crore (as prescribed by NRB) Base Rate + 2%
Types of Loan Up to 5 years Above 5 years to upto 10 years Above 10 years
Home Loan 9.24 9.74 10.25
Mortgage Loan 11.25 11.75 11.75
Professional Loan 11.25    
Education Loan 10.75 11.25 11.25
  Up to 5 Years Above 5 years  
Hire Purchase Loan 11.25 11.75  
  Up to 5 Years Above 5 years  
Auto Loan 10.75 11.25  
Siddhartha Hamro Ghar Karja 9.25% p.a. and 8.99% p.a for women ( Fixed for 7 years)
Electric Vehicle 10.50% p.a and 9.99% p.a for women
Up to 5 years Above 5 years to up to 10 years 10 to 15 years
10.25 to 10.75 10.75 to 11.25 11.25 to 11.75
Average Base Rate of Preceding 3 months   8.31%
Jestha 2081 Base Rate  8.15%
Jestha 2081 Interest Spread Rate 3.99%
S.N Fixed Deposit (NPR) Interest Rate (% p.a.)
1 Individuals  
  3 months to 6 months 5.50
  Above 6 months to 1 year 5.75
  Above 1 year to 2 years 6.50
  Above 2 years 6.75
2 Remittance  
  3 months to 6 months 6.50
  Above 6 months to 1 year 6.75
  Above 1 year to 2 years 7.50
  Above 2 years 7.75


6 months to below 1 year
  1 year to below 2 years 4.75
  2 years to 5 years 5.25
  Above 5 years 5.50
Interest Rate of Foreign Currency Deposit (% p.a.)
SN Currency Saving Deposit Fixed Deposit Call Deposit
(6 months and above)
1 USD 3.50 4.00

Up to 50% of lowest saving deposit interest rate of respective currency

2 EUR 1.50 2.50
3 GBP 2.00 3.00
4 AUD 1.50 2.50
5 CAD 2.00 3.00
6 JPY 0.00 0.10
7 CNY 0.50 1.00
8 For Other Currencies Negotiable
  • FCY Deposit for NRN & Remittance Customers +1 percent additional.
  • Other terms & conditions of the deposit products remain unchanged.
Description   Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Fluctuating Working Capital (CC/ OD / Short Term Loan / Import Loan/ Working Capital Loan)
Large Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
SME Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Micro Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Agriculture - -

         Large Corporate

Base Rate + up to 2.75%


Base Rate + up to 2.75%


Base Rate + up to 3.25%


Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Working Capital - Term Loan
Large Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
SME Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Micro Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Agriculture - -
            Large Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
            Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
            SME Base Rate + up to 3.25%
            Micro Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Fixed Term Loan    
Large Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
SME Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Micro Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Energy Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Bridge Gap Loan    
Large Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Corporate Base Rate + up to 2.75%
SME Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Micro Base Rate + up to 3.50%
Home Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Auto Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Commercial Vehicle Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Professional Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Education Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Mortgage Loan    
Overdraft Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Term Loan/Short Term Loan Base Rate + up to 3.25%
Export Finance    
Against USD LC Base Rate +up to 2.75%
Against NPR & other currency LC Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Against USD export documents Base Rate + up to 2.75%
Against NPR & other curreny export documents Base Rate + up to 2.75%
  • The effective applicable interest rates on loans is subject to change with effect from the first day of each month as per Nepali Calender; triggered by the change in Average Base Rate of preceding 3 months.
  • In case of loans eligible under interest subsidy, premium rates shall be applicable as per the circulars issued by NRB.
  • In case of loans where fixed premium prescribed by NRB, such premium shall apply.
  • Penal Interest 2% per annum.
  • Fixed Interest Rates for individual term loan shall be reviewed periodically as permitted by NRB. 
  • Interest rate applicable to similar nature of loans shall be determined in line with NRB circular Bai.Bi.Ni.Bi/Niti/Paripatra/03/080/81 dated 2080/06/18. It shall be effective in the case of newly approve credit facilities from the date of the circular issued.